eMotion Pictures is a name for a two-year Comenius project which was a unique chance for Czech, Turkish, Italian and Polish children to get to know some different cultures and to improve their language skills. We met in each country to shoot films in our international groups. Our project was covered by a grant from Lifelong Learning Programme.
úterý 1. dubna 2014
Project strategies and objectives in practice
Here are some of the strategies we aim to involve in our project work:
1. Learning communities – international students from each country are brought together for shared learning, discovery, and the generation of knowledge. Within a learning community, all participants take responsibility for achieving the learning goals. This is the best process by which individuals come together to achieve learning goals. There are numerous non-formal learning methods - workshops, outdoor activities and excursions during our mobilities.
2. Mobile learning – during the mobilities the students have the opportunity to learn also at different places abroad. Students get to know family life flow in a different country.
3. Social networking tools – use of Facebook, Google hangouts, Skype, Twinspace. We involve the pupils in updating the websites, posting evaluation and messages on the website as well as on the Twinspace.
4. Team based and collaborative learning – students work on the films in their international groups.
5. Games and competitions - not only during our mobilities but also online, there are and will be competitions displayed each semester, created by particular partners.
6. Critical thinking – the process of film-making is a collection of mental activities that include the ability to intuit, clarify, reflect, connect, infer, and judge. It brings these activities together and enables the student to question what knowledge exists.
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