eMotion Pictures is a name for a two-year Comenius project which was a unique chance for Czech, Turkish, Italian and Polish children to get to know some different cultures and to improve their language skills. We met in each country to shoot films in our international groups. Our project was covered by a grant from Lifelong Learning Programme.
pondělí 14. dubna 2014
Dance workshop
Our second workshop on Monday was dancing. Our teacher Jaroslav Novak taught us how to dance polka or walz, traditinal classical dances that everybody in the Czech Republic should know. Our nine graders will have a good-bye ball at the end of this school year, where they will excel in these dances now I am sure. And in Poland, Italy and Turkey? You can teach these dances to your friends - next time you come to the Czech Republic, see you at the dance ball! :) And, of course, many thanks to Jaroslav Novák, our English and French teacher and an eager dancer, for preparing this workshop for us! Well done, Jarda, the kids enjoyed it!

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