eMotion Pictures is a name for a two-year Comenius project which was a unique chance for Czech, Turkish, Italian and Polish children to get to know some different cultures and to improve their language skills. We met in each country to shoot films in our international groups. Our project was covered by a grant from Lifelong Learning Programme.
pátek 21. března 2014
Nataly from the Czech Republic talks about her Sicilian experience:
In February we visited Italy, specifically Sicily. I've had there a really great time. Everyone in Sicily were acting very kind and nice to me, actually to all of us. Before I went to the plane, I was really curious and full of expectations. This exchange trip met all of them. From first day, when I met my host and her family, I knew that I don't have to be worried anymore and that everything is gonna be awesome. We saw a lot of very interesting things, like the mount Etna or Agrigento and I met there a lot of new people, which were adorable by the way :) We had to do some video recordings too and that was very funny, because we had to speak English and we had a couple of spoiled shots. I really enjoyed the food there, because I love pasta, I love pizza and everything tasted delicious there. I liked even the teachers there, because they were all very friendly (unlike some of our teachers :D) and they were helping us and chatting with us. But the thing which I liked most was definitely the school orchestra concert, which was just awesome. I remember one thing, that was a lot different from the Czech Rep. And that was how chilled out were all people there. I was very suprised, when I saw, how kids are crossing the street out of the zebra crossing and every drivers were like "Yeah, just go I have time enough." You can't do that here in Prague :D People in Italy are laughing or at least smiling all the time and that is one thing that I miss here in the Czech Rep. But I'm really excited to show Italian, Polish and Turkish people this country anyway.

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