eMotion Pictures is a name for a two-year Comenius project which was a unique chance for Czech, Turkish, Italian and Polish children to get to know some different cultures and to improve their language skills. We met in each country to shoot films in our international groups. Our project was covered by a grant from Lifelong Learning Programme.
sobota 26. dubna 2014
pátek 25. dubna 2014
úterý 22. dubna 2014
And here is a film made by our Comenius team 6 - Kamila Felgrová, Matylda Winterová, Cyril Malák and Lukáš Horník from the Czech Republic, Marcin Morawski from Poland, Teresa Andaloro from Italy and Sude Otru from Turkey:
pondělí 21. dubna 2014
Here is a film made by team 5: Natalie Schejbalová, Iva Hoang and Ben Spálovský from the Czech Republic, Misra Aksu from Turkey, Tomek Nowalski from Poland and Anna Maria Mogavero from Italy. "Love" in this story is a bit "fake":
neděle 20. dubna 2014
Here is a story shot by our Comenius team 4 - Jakub Červený and Linh Tran from the Czech Republic, Pelin Berten from Turkey, Aleksandra Andrzenenska from Poland, Marta Vullo and Veronica Sardo from Italy:
sobota 19. dubna 2014
Here is a story created by our Comenius team 3 - Veronika Zárybnická, Pavel Oriniak and Ilona Burdejna from the Czech Republic, Simge Aslan from Turkey, Marcin Urban from Poland and Ines Andaloro from Italy:
pátek 18. dubna 2014
Here is a film created by Team 2 - Jana Šťastná, Jan Střihavka and Filip Rošek from the Czech Republic, Regim Lal from Turkey, Adrian Sadowski from Poland and Lorenzo Carletta from Italy:
čtvrtek 17. dubna 2014
Here is a film made by our Comenius Team 1 - Šárka Provazníková, Vojta Lavička and Jan Šmejkal from the Czech Republic, Jan Wisniewski from Poland, Pinar Tosun from Turkey and Marta Cravotta from Italy:
středa 16. dubna 2014
Cheerleading for e-Motion Pictures
Our cheerleading team lead by the teacher Karel Cerveny prepared a short performance for our international team in Prague. This American sport has become popular in our country just a couple of years ago and there are just about tree or four teams in the Czech Republic, who take part in national and international competitions. Our school team is one of them and has been very successful on many competitions. Our greatest success was, that we managed to mix girls and boys from the age of six till the age of 16 in the same team. Pupils and students of this team are doing an excellent job. Karel Cerveny devotes a lot of time to cheerleading and he also prepared a cheerleading worshop for our international team. However, unfortunatelly, an accident happened and he injured his leg a week before our Prague meeting, so the workshop could not take place. I hope the students enjoyed watching the show even though they could not participate. I would like to thank the PE teachers Karel Červený and Hana Fialová for preparing this performance for us. And the kids, of course. They have done a great job. Well done!
Vysehrad and the underground corridors
On Thursday we visited Vysehrad, an ancient place close to our school. The Vysehrad fortress was established in the 10th century, maybe even before, and within the historical facts and legends of that period it has been more important than the Prague castle for several centuries. Within its high walls and fortifications there is a historical underground with later built army storage tunnels. Some students made a good use of the corridors in their film-making. Then, some of us visited the famous church of St.Peter and Paul and everyone had a very nice walk around Vysehrad with wonderful views on the New Town or the Vltava river. Then, we spend an afternoon at school finishing our films in the Microsoft Movie Maker and talking about our week in Prague.

The Tower of Old Town Hall
Our Wednesday afternoons's destination was Old Town square and the Tower of Old Town Hall. Some students shot their parts of love story there, others were at the poit of "divorce" and others, in contrast, worked on their detective story. The films of particular groups had only two things in comon. Firstly, all their recordings were shot in an international group. Secondly, the place of the setting was given - Prague sights of our choice. Unfortunatelly, the weather was not very nice - it was freezing cold and cloudy and we were happy to get down again for a nice cup of coffee.

úterý 15. dubna 2014
Italian and Turkish presentations in Prague
Barrandov film studios
On Tuesday our international group discovered the secret of costumes and props from famous films such as The Chronicles of Narnia, Tristan and Isolde, Edith Piaf, or Oliver Twist.
Barrandov Studios has one of the largest and the most experienced Costumes&Props rental house in Europe. Their collection offers more than 280,000 costumes and 85,000 props from the Middle Ages to the present days. Their costumes have appeared in numerous Czech and foreign films, in the most popular Czech fairy tales, in some Hollywood blockbusters or TV series. This excursion was quite interesting for the young film-makers of e-Motion Pictures.

pondělí 14. dubna 2014
Fimo workshop
Being creative and making presents for your friends or parents also belongs to a life of a teenager. In the workshop of Dana Sladkova the students learnt how to work with fimo - they created beads, necklaces and earings to bring home with them. Students had fun working together in international groups and leart again something new. No serious injuries, luckily, so all our Monday's workshops had a happy ending. Thank you very much, Dana, you have done an excellent job and not even the kids but also the teachers from Poland, Italy and Turkey will remember this workshop for a long time, I am sure! Here you can view some pictures:

Dance workshop
Our second workshop on Monday was dancing. Our teacher Jaroslav Novak taught us how to dance polka or walz, traditinal classical dances that everybody in the Czech Republic should know. Our nine graders will have a good-bye ball at the end of this school year, where they will excel in these dances now I am sure. And in Poland, Italy and Turkey? You can teach these dances to your friends - next time you come to the Czech Republic, see you at the dance ball! :) And, of course, many thanks to Jaroslav Novák, our English and French teacher and an eager dancer, for preparing this workshop for us! Well done, Jarda, the kids enjoyed it!

sobota 12. dubna 2014
Drama workshop in Prague
On Monday, a Czech drama teacher Tana Tobolova involved our international group of students in her interactive drama workshop. The main goal of this workshop was to prepare the students for their filming, to make them feel relaxed, to get rid of shyness and to learn to improvise quickly. First, there was a short breathing exercise. Then, students pantomimed such difficult things as a soap in a bath, chair in the theatre, a carpet, a sausage on a frying pan or a seed of a carnivorous plant. Then, the students got into small groups where they were rehearsing a short scene, an internationally well known fairy tale of their choice such as Cinderella, Sleeping beauty or Little Red Riding Hood. We discovered a lot of tallented actors! Thank you, Tana!

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