On Wednesday, when the students had already prepared outlines for their commericals filming, our Comenius group set off to Suwalszczyzna and Goldap, places, where they filmed the first part of their commercials.
SUWAŁKI LANDSCAPE PARK was created in 1976. It protects one of the most beautiful corners of the northeast Poland, not without reason called by tourists "local Switzerland". Indeed, its natural value and spectacular landscape make this region exceptionally idyllic and romantic. Topographically diversified lie of the land was formed - as well as the rest of Suwałki Lakeland - by the last Baltic glaciation from more than 10 000-12 000 years ago. Its action and the recession of the melting continental glacier shaped the Park's exceptionally varied configuration. You can adore high hills, picturesque lake basins, flowery valleys cut by numerous streams and deep river troughs especially of the Czarna Hańcza River. It crosses the deepest lake in Poland and in European Lowland, that is Lake Hańcza which is 108,5 m deep.
We took a boat trip on the lake where some of the groups already started shooting.The weather was very british, unfortunatelly. But we survived and enjoyed ourselves nevertheless! :)


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