eMotion Pictures is a name for a two-year Comenius project which was a unique chance for Czech, Turkish, Italian and Polish children to get to know some different cultures and to improve their language skills. We met in each country to shoot films in our international groups. Our project was covered by a grant from Lifelong Learning Programme.
sobota 18. října 2014
Presentations about our traditions
On Monday, we spend the whole day at school. However, it was not a usual school day. There was a rich programme. Firstly, we met in a conference hall where students presented about traditions in their countries. Below you can view Turkish, Italian, Polish and Czech presentations. In the afternoon, we started to learn songs in Czech, Polish, Italian and Turkish languages presented in internationally mixed groups. We have also started editing the first part of our films shot in Bergama.

Turkish presentation:
Sicilian presentation:
Czech presentation:
Polish presentation:
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