eMotion Pictures is a name for a two-year Comenius project which was a unique chance for Czech, Turkish, Italian and Polish children to get to know some different cultures and to improve their language skills. We met in each country to shoot films in our international groups. Our project was covered by a grant from Lifelong Learning Programme.
pátek 21. března 2014
Nataly from the Czech Republic talks about her Sicilian experience:
In February we visited Italy, specifically Sicily. I've had there a really great time. Everyone in Sicily were acting very kind and nice to me, actually to all of us. Before I went to the plane, I was really curious and full of expectations. This exchange trip met all of them. From first day, when I met my host and her family, I knew that I don't have to be worried anymore and that everything is gonna be awesome. We saw a lot of very interesting things, like the mount Etna or Agrigento and I met there a lot of new people, which were adorable by the way :) We had to do some video recordings too and that was very funny, because we had to speak English and we had a couple of spoiled shots. I really enjoyed the food there, because I love pasta, I love pizza and everything tasted delicious there. I liked even the teachers there, because they were all very friendly (unlike some of our teachers :D) and they were helping us and chatting with us. But the thing which I liked most was definitely the school orchestra concert, which was just awesome. I remember one thing, that was a lot different from the Czech Rep. And that was how chilled out were all people there. I was very suprised, when I saw, how kids are crossing the street out of the zebra crossing and every drivers were like "Yeah, just go I have time enough." You can't do that here in Prague :D People in Italy are laughing or at least smiling all the time and that is one thing that I miss here in the Czech Rep. But I'm really excited to show Italian, Polish and Turkish people this country anyway.

Comenius Sicily Report from Turkey
neděle 16. března 2014
Ola's Diary - Sicily
24.02.2014 (Monday)- trip to Italy
At 6:30 we left for Warsaw by a mini bus. About 12:30 we were at the airport- at the same time Polish fast skaters arrived from Sochi- they had done a good job there. Unfortunatelly I didn't see them because I had to check-in, but the other girls went to see them. Next, security check and then boarding. Flight wasn't as amazing as I expected- it was my first flight so I had thought it would be something special. We flew only 2 hours 20 minutes. During the flight, we got a snack and a drink. After we landed in Rome, we had to wait for some time again and there was another flihgt from Rome to Catania, which lasted an hour and 15 minutes. At the airport we took our luggage and we waited for the bus (which was a little bit late) then we drove to San Cataldo. There Italian families were waiting for us and welcoming us cordially. They took us home, where during the dinner I met Sanem- Turk.
25.02.2014 (Tuesday)- Palermo
We woke up early, ate breakfast- mainly cookies and we drove to Palermo. First we visited the Cappella Palatina (the Palatine Chapel) - a small, compact masterpiece hidden away inside the Royal Palace. Everything was so beautiful - the Byzantine mosaics and the wooden Arabic honeycombed ceiling. Later we went to a garden, which was also very pretty- the best thing there- for me was mandarin tree. Next we went to a place, where view of a garden was enchanting. After it we had a big dinner and we went to visit the best place in Palermo- the theatre Massimo It is not only the largest theatre in Italy, but also one of the largest in Europe. Our last destination in Palermo was beach, where we made our videos in internacional groups with Turk Sanem, Czech Lukas, me and Italians: Domenico, Marta and Marika. After we did our 'job' we went for an ice cream and we drove back home.
26.02.2014 (Wednesday)- school
Lessons started at 9:30. First our Italian hosts took us on normal lessons, It was about Italian constitution. Later some students came and took us to IT class to show our presentations. Next we went home for a lunch and and after the meal we came back to school. There we worked in international groups again and we had to edit our videos. My group's movie was about lifestyle in Sicily and we made it as a local news. When we ended we came back home, but only for a short time because our families took us on bowling! Unfortunately I lost (like always). After fun we ate a pizza and we went home.
27.02.2014 (Thursday)- Etna and Taormina
We left San Cataldo early to visit Etna! When we got there, we could see small, black stones everywhere- it was dried lava. We were making second video- the subject was 'Lost in Italy'. Then part of our group went higher by a rollercoaster. Two hours later we droved to Taormina for dinner. The weather changed and it started to rain! We had some time to visit shops and make photos for our videos. Then we drove home.
28.02.2014 (Friday)- school and Agrigento
Until lunch we were at school and we were editing our videos. We came back home and for lunch, we also had some free time at home. Then we drove to Agrigento to see one of Sicily’s most famous historical attractions - the Valley of the Temples . We also could see beautiful views there! In the evening we drove back to San Cataldo.
01.03.2014 (Saturday)- school and free time
In the morning we went to school, because summary of the project took place there. Participiants of the project expressed their opinions about the time we spent there. Everybody enjoyed the time in Sicily, both visitors and hosts. We said goodbye to our new friends and we took photos with them. We went home, ate dinner and we spend rest of the afternoon there. In the evening we went to restaurant- Gusto for pizza. We couldn't stay late there, because we had to left San Cataldo very early in the morning.
02.03.2014 (Sunday)- trip to Poland (by Alexandra)
And we were giong to Poland :(
We left San Cataldo at 4:30 in the morning. During saying goodbye with my family I cried a lot, I didn't want to go home. Rest of the journey wasn't complicated- bus to Catania, then plane to Rome, plane to Warsaw and bus to Suwalki.
čtvrtek 13. března 2014
středa 12. března 2014
pondělí 10. března 2014
Film "Lost in Italy" by Team 3
Students were divided into 6 internationally mixed groups and were given the topic of "Lost in Italy" to prepare their own creative film. First, they had to come together and divide their roles in the team. Here you can see, how the kids dealt with their topic. Click to view a film made by our first international group with the following actors: Lorenzo (Italy), Maldo (Italy), Filip (Czech Republic), Veronica (Italy), Olga (Poland), Efe (Turkey) . Well done! Have fun watching film made by Team Three :)
čtvrtek 6. března 2014
Film "Lost in Italy" by Team 2
Students were divided into 6 internationally mixed groups and were given the topic of "Lost in Italy" to prepare their own creative film. First, they had to come together and divide their roles in the team. Here you can see, how the kids dealt with their topic. Click to view a film made by our first international group with the following actors: Sanem (Turkey), Ola (Poland), Lukas (Czech Republic), Domenico (Italy), Marta (Italy) and Marika (Italy) . Well done! Have fun watching it. :)
pondělí 3. března 2014
Film "Lost in Italy" by Team 1
Students were divided into 6 internationally mixed groups and were given the topic of "Lost in Italy" to prepare their own creative film. First, they had to come together and divide their roles in the team. Here you can see, how the kids dealt with their topic. Click to view a film made by our first international group with the following actors: Annamaria (Italy), Natalie (Czech Republic), Eda (Turkey), Angelika (Poland) and Gaetano (Italy). Well done! Have fun watching film made by Team One :)
neděle 2. března 2014
Our first film made in Sicily
The first film that the pupils made in their 6 international teams was focused on "Typical life of a teenager." Studends chose and discussed their subtopics first, then they planned the outline of the film and on Palermo beach, they recorded their first dialogues. Here you can view our work of art:
Project logo chosen
San Cataldo school tour
The Italian teacher of English and person responsible for the Italian mobility, Arcangelo Falzone, and a deputy of the school Maria Rita prepared a school tour for our international team. It was great to see a different school than we are used to seeing every day and we all enjoyed the tour. We liked the little school very much, our children admired some classrooms, expecially the science classroom with all the telescopes and we went absolutely speechless to hear the performance of the San Cataldo school's orchestra lead by the piano teacher Clara Scarlata. Well done! Thank you very much for this experience, Arcangelo, Maria Rita and Clara!
Presenting "Typical day of a teenager"
Each student prepared a presentation to show a typical flow of an ordinary day in their country. In San Cataldo school, two students from each country presented their day. Here are our presentations and some photos from this activity:
This is me from Lenka Jacko
sobota 1. března 2014
Meeting in Sicily (February 2014)
February 23 - March 2, 2014:
Our first mobility took place in San Cataldo, Sicily. The Czech and Turkish group arrived together very early in the morning after a long and tiring journey. At the bus we were welcomed by the Italian families. Some of our students, especially those, who were abroad for their first time, were very nervous and scared. However, they soon learnt that there is no need to worry. On the contrary! The welcoming of our Italian hosts was incredibly kind and warm, we could feel that the Italian children and parents were happy and excited to meet their international guests.
The Polish group arrived the next day and we could start working on our planned project activities.
First, we met at school and each country introduced their culture. Here are our presentations:
San Cataldo from Lenka Jacko
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