eMotion Pictures is a name for a two-year Comenius project which was a unique chance for Czech, Turkish, Italian and Polish children to get to know some different cultures and to improve their language skills. We met in each country to shoot films in our international groups. Our project was covered by a grant from Lifelong Learning Programme.
pátek 11. října 2013
Polish school and the quiz
Zespol Szkol nr 8 Gimnazjum nr 1 im. Marszalka Jozefa Pilsudskiego w Suwalkach, Poland is a lower secondary co-educational state school. It starts at the age of 13 and lasts three years. There are 409 pupils and 39 teachers. We aim to provide an excellent all-round education so that every pupil can achieve their full potential .The mission of our school is developing a passion for learning, capacity for independent thinking, moral values, self-confidence without arrogance, and a broad range of interests that extend beyond the confines of the classroom.
We work in partnership with Junior Secondary school in Notodden, Norway – our sistertown and Bransty Primary School in Whitehaven, UK, but this Comenius project will be the first one our school has taken part in.
Suwałki is a town in northeastern Poland with 69 331 inhabitants (2012). Until 1999 the town was the capital of Suwalki Voivodeship. Suwalki is located about 30 km from the Lithuanian border. After the peaceful dissolution of the Communist system in Poland in 1989 the city experienced a period of economic difficulties. Most of the city's major factories were inefficient and went bankrupt. However, the creation of the Suwalki Special Economic Zone and the proximity of the Russian and Lithuanian borders opened new possibilities for the local trade and commerce. Still, we have many pupils from families who are socio-economically disadvantaged and their membership in the project would be a priceless experience for them.
The role of our school: We will run the project's website, which we will update with up-to date information connected with our project. Together with our Italian partner we will upload the finished films and we will also be responsible for the continuous, as well as final evaluation of our project. At the final meeting in Poland, we will organize evaluate workshop with presentations and a canoe trip in the Lake District area for all our project visitors.
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